May 23, 2008

Google makes big ad move

Search engine giant cements third party advertising plans

In a much anticipated move Google has annouced it will now serve third-party advertising on its advertising network.

The move means that advertisers on other approved advertising networks such as Doubleclick will be able to place and track advertising placed on the Google network.

Previously, Google's AdSense advertising network only displayed advertising from users registered on the Google network.

For web publishers the move means that the will have access to a broader range of advertisers and greater revenue opportuities. Web publishers using the AdSense programme will be now be able to display third party image and multimedia ads on their sites.

Initially the expanded AdSense programme will only be available to North America-based advertisers but the advertising will be available to consumers across the Internet.

In an email to AdSense users last night Google said that "by accepting third-party ads, we can attract a greater variety of advertising on the Google content network, which we believe will result over time in increased revenue for publishers and more relevant advertising for end users".

Initially only English language advertising will available through the network.

1 comment:

  1. google always take the lead for doing good stuff .

    that is why in just 10 years it reached on top of the world
