Miss Universe 2008 Top 5 Interview Questions and video
Jennifer Hawkins: If you could go back in time and change a moment in your past, what would that be and why?
Miss Colombia: First of all Xin Chào Vietnam! In my life, I have been... a really... it's been a wonderful life for me. I come from a big family, huge values, so there's nothing I would change in my fu- in, in my past life. I have been happy every single day of my entire life because of my family. They're always thinking the best for everything. So everything perfect!
Louis Licari: Do you believe men or women have it easier in life, and why?
Miss Venezuela: Um, well actually God made us to share and to have difference, but big difference between women and men, doesn't matter whether kind of life they live, is that men think, that they think that the faster way to go to a point is go straight. Women know that the faster way to go to a point is go to the curve and fix in every curves.
Donald Trump Jr.: What is the biggest sacrifice you've ever had to make and how did you handle it?
Miss Dominican Republic: Xin Chào Vietnam! (Translated) In reality I have had to work since I was quite young because my parents were divorced and it's very difficult to leave a childhood behind. Not withstanding the fact, that I feel all the sacrifices are well worth it. Because I see my mother, she's out there, and she's crying for me and I have continued. Everything has been worth it.
Roberto Cavalli: When is a woman truly satisfied?
Miss Mexico: Xin Chào Vietnam! I think a woman can feel satisfied when she has a balance in her life. When she has a mind so and all the feelings in the same level. It's important to have a balance between family, between your job, in between community.
Ishaa Koppikar: Is there still discrimination against women? And what can be done against it?
Miss Russia: (Translated) I think that in our times, women have become stronger, and they've become smarter. So I think a woman can not only have a successful career but raise wonderful children. And I think in our time, women will be better.
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