Feb 3, 2010

About Norman Rockwell and his best paintings

Norman Percevel Rockwell (February 3, 1894 – November 8, 1978) was a 20th-century American painter and illustrator. His works enjoy a broad popular appeal in the United States, where Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life scenarios he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over more than four decades. Among the best-known of Rockwell's works are the Willie Gillis series, Rosie the Riveter (although his Rosie was reproduced less than others of the day), Saying Grace (1951), and the Four Freedoms series.

He was also famous for his works in the Boy Scouts of America publication and for his iconographic advertisements for companies including Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Company and Sun-Maid Raisins.

He painted portraits for Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon, as well as other foreign presidents and movie stars of his day.

His art made him a bit of a celebrity and twice he judged the Miss America Beauty Pageant. He also endorsed products including after-shave, tombstones and wine.

He tried to enlist in the U.S Navy during the First World War but was refused entry because he was eight pounds underweight, at 6 feet tall and 140 pounds.

During the Second World War in 1943, Norman painted the Four Freedoms series, which he completed in seven months and resulted in him losing 15 pounds. The series was inspired by a Franklin D Roosevelt speech in which he described four principles for universal rights: Freedom from Want, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Worship, and Freedom from Fear.

In 1943 a fire in Norman’s studio destroyed numerous original paintings, costumes, and props.He was commissioned to illustrate over 40 books including Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

If you visit Google.com today, you will see a special doodle, with a boy and a girl sitting on a bench together. The painting was one of Norman Rockwell’s most famous, which was on the front cover of the Saturday Evening Post on April 24, 1926. It was known as the “Little Spooners.”

Norman Rockwell Best Painting and illustrations
All Photos ©2009 Norman Rockwell Family Agency
For more Info visit http://www.nrm.org/

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