Feb 22, 2012

Google logo has electromagnetic waves for celebrate Heinrich Rudolf Hertz's 155th birthday

The Google logo takes the form of electromagnetic waves (in Google colours - blue, red, yellow and green) to pay tribute to German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz on his 155th birth anniversary. Hertz was born at Hamburg on February 22, 1857.
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the German physicist, has his 155th birthday celebrated in a new Google doodle.

Hertz was the first to broadcast and receive radio waves. His pioneering work laid the way for the development of radio, television and radar.

The unit of frequency of a radio wave - one cycle per second - is named the hertz, in honour of Heinrich Hertz.

Hertz proved the existence of radio waves in the late 1880s. He used two rods to serve as a receiver and a spark gap as the receiving antennae. Where the waves were picked up, a spark would jump. Hertz showed in his experiments that these signals possessed all of the properties of electromagnetic waves.

With this oscillator, Hertz solved two problems. First, timing English scientis James Clerk Maxwell's waves. He had demonstrated, in the concrete, what Maxwell had only theorised -

  1. that the velocity of radio waves was equal to the velocity of light. (This proved that radio waves were a form of light). 
  2. Hertz found out how to make the electric and magnetic fields detach themselves from wires and go free as Maxwell's waves. 

Hertz's name later became the term used for radio and electrical frequencies, as in hertz (Hz), kilohertz (kHz) and megahertz (MHz).
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
(February 22, 1857 – January 1, 1894)

Born in Hamburg, where he demonstrated great skill in grasping the dynamics of physics even in boyhood, he later enrolled to study the subject in Berlin following a year at the University of Munich.

In Berlin, his progress in investigating electromagnetic phenomena was so rapid that in February 1880 he received his PhD – on electromagnetic induction in rotating spheres – at the age of 22. He becoming a professor at Karlsruhe Technische Hochschule in 1885.
Hertz died at the young age of 36 on New Year's Day 1894 after contracting Wegener's granulomatosis, a rare disorder in which blood vessels become inflamed, and was buried in Ohlsdorf, Hamburg. There is a lunar crater on the dark side of the Moon named after him. 

Unlike recent Google doodles that used complex JavaScript for animated doodles, the Hertz Google doodle is a relatively simpler animated GIF image.

Google has, till the Hertz doodle, posted 1308 doodles on its home page since the first ever Google doodle back on August 30, 1998.

Unlike recent Google doodles that used complex JavaScript and HTML5 for animated doodles, the Hertz Google doodle is a relatively simpler animated GIF image.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Quotes

“I do not think that the wireless waves I have discovered will have any practical application”

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