
Ask Questions in a Google+ Hangout to President Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama will participate in the first completely-virtual interview from the White House, President Obama will answer questions that have been submitted by Americans from across the country via YouTube. The virtual event with the President will happen through Google+ Hangouts, a live multi-person video chat.

Obama and Google Hangout
On Monday, January 30, the President will join a special Google+ Hangout from the West Wing. He'll be answering several of the most popular questions that have been submitted through YouTube, and some of the people who submitted questions will even be invited to join the President in the Hangout and take part in the live conversation.

Do you have a question for President Obama? Here’s how you can participate:
The Google+ Hangout with President Obama culminates a full week of online engagement with the White House. It also marks the first in a series of White House Hangouts that will cover a range of topics and issues. Follow the White House on Google+ for the latest on White House Hangouts.

This isn’t YouTube’s first brush with the president. In January 2010 and 2011, YouTube’s head of news and politics, Steve Grove, moderated interviews with Obama using crowdsourced questions. Last year, users churned out more than 140,000 questions.

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