
Check SLC RESULT 2068/2069 With Marksheet, SMS, and Phones

The Office of the Controller Examinations, Sanothimi, has publish the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) results today.

According to Deputy Controller at the OCE Ambika Prasad Regmi, the results was published organising a press conference at around 5.30 this evening.

According to OCE, this year 47.16 pc regular students passed the exams while 16.70 pc exempted students have passed.

SLC RESULT 2068/2069 Published

Total Regular Examinees: 419,019

Total Regular Examinees (Pass): 197,638 (47.16%)

Of the total examinees, 17,760 students have passed with distinction,

77,297 have passed with first division marks,

93,830 have received second division and

8,791 students have managed to pass with third division.

Total Exempted Examinees: 76,979

Total Exempted Examinees (passed): 10,597

First Division: 126

Second Division: 7,595

Third Division: 2,828

A total of 528,257 candidates, including 445,974 in the regular stream and 82,283 in the exempted stream, appeared in the SLC examinations this year.

You can get to know your results in you mobile phone and web site.

Download Complete Result of SLC 2068

Full result of SLC 2068 Regular
Full result of SLC 2068 Exempted

Instructions (for Web and IVR)

IVR System (From PSTN and CDMA phones)
Dial 1600 and follow the instructions

Check SLC Results in SMS

Type slc symbol number and send sms to 5001
Example :- Type SLC 0123456A and send it to 5001

Type slc symbol number and send sms to 1400


TYPE SLC your symbol number and send it to 8080

Check SLC Results in Webpage Online
Type your symbol number (Example :- 20013824) in the input box above and click submit
Your result will appear on the screen

SLC RESULT 2067 Nepal Telecom

Office of the Controller of Examination (OCE) SLC Result 2068/2069 with Marksheet

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