
Google doodles frogs on leap day Celebrates Gioachino Rossini's 220th birthday

Today, is 29th February 2012, a leap year and birthday of Gioachino Rossini and Google is celebrating Gioachino Rossini 220th birthday (Leap Year) by making a great Google Doodle.

Feb. 29 comes every four years to correct the mathematical discrepancy between how humans mark time and the Earth’s actual rate of travel.

Leap year Google Doodle

Since the leap years and leap days are usually associated with frogs, the leaping ambhibians, the Google doodle on February 29 has a number of frogs, all four of them.

The doodle is inspired by Gioachino Antonio Rossini's famous 1816 comic opera The Barber of Seville (Il barbiere di Siviglia), one of the most performed operas. Of the four frogs in the scene, one is at the piano and the soprano is the only one leaping. The barber frog is Figaro and the frog getting a shave is Count Almaviva (Characters created by French playright Pierre Beaumarchais and The Barber of Seville is one of the three Figaro plays penned by him).

The Gioachino Rossini leap year Google doodle is the third leap year doodle in Google's history. The previous two were put up on 2004 and 2008. There was no leap day doodle in the year 2000.

By our calculations this is the 1314th Google doodle since the first ever on for the Burning Man Festival back on August 30, 1998.

Gioachino Antonio Rossini: leap year - Google Doodle video

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